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Mayes Wilson & Associates

Strategic Planning Tips

Sara Wilson |

What do you see at the end of your telescope?  What distant objects appear nearer, what lenses are you using and what objects are magnified?  As we begin a new time period (year, quarter, month) people and organizations often feel compelled to plan and focus their energy.  I’ve received several inquiries lately about strategic and annual planning.  My philosophy is that planning is part process and part product; both are important.  Over the years of designing and facilitating planning processes, I’ve developed many successful approaches.  

Tip: You can’t plan for the future if your organization is in a mess. We know organizations are messy, but I am talking about major problems, division and dysfunctional issues.  Your time and the organization will be best served by  focus on addressing those major problems. No one can plan for the future when the house is on fire.

Tip: Engage the board and staff in planning. The executive who makes plans without inviting input is the one who others think is “at fault” when things don’t come to fruition. 

Tip: Consider gathering the input of volunteers, partners, key donors.  Organizations who only “navel gaze” miss a variety of opportunities including different perspectives, new ideas and engagement. 

Tip:  Short-term and long-term planning both have merit. Doing both will serve the organization best.  

I share more tips in the complete article which you can find here.

And here’s a quick one-pager we’ve developed on how to prepare for strategic planning.   

Do you need help knowing what kind of planning/planning process is best for your organization?  Give me a call for a complimentary consultation. MWA team team members do strategic, annual, succession, fund development and budget planning for organizations.  We are talented and enthusiastic about nonprofits. We can help. 

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