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Mayes Wilson & Associates

The Impact of Not Addressing Underperformance

Sara Wilson, CPCC |

I’ve had several conversations with clients whose employees or board members are underperforming. I’m continually struck by how often we “settle” for unsatisfactory performance. Then I realize, oh spitball, I’ve done the exact same thing! Do these justifications of poor performance sound familiar?

  • They’ll do better next time
  • They have a lot on their plate
  • They are long-term employees/volunteers
  • I’ll just work with another team member or board member

Ignoring, putting off or creating a “work around” often seems like the easiest approach, but at what cost?

Not addressing under-performance can negatively impact team morale, give others the impression the poor performer is favored, lower the performance bar for everyone, impact quality of services and hurt finances.

What is the impact of not addressing underperformance – for the communities you serve, your mission, your team, and your health? How does not addressing a difficult situation reflect your leadership? Pause and reflect on your leadership values. What is your next step in addressing a difficult situation?

Have challenges with your team, board or a coalition/group? I can help. Connect with me at 

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