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Mayes Wilson & Associates

The Power of Employee Appreciation in Teambuilding

Sara Wilson |

Recognizing and thanking employees is one of the keys of teambuilding.

When executives and managers I coach ask about improving teambuilding or organizational culture, I always discuss the POWER of appreciation. Teams that work well together are found more frequently in organizations where appreciation is both vertical and horizontal (appreciation is expressed between leader-board-staff, and also between staff members).

If you think you are too busy to take time to thank employees or that employees don’t need to be appreciated because “it’s their job, they are supposed to do it,” consider this:

In a study by Adam Grant of the Wharton School, employees who were explicitly thanked for their work by a manager, or even a distant supervisor, were found to be 50% more productive afterwards. Take note leaders! (Gratitude, the Gift that Keeps on Giving)

I share additional facts and some great ideas for how to appreciate your employees in the rest of this article, which you can see here.

Let us know: How are you using appreciation for teambuilding and creating a positive organizational culture?


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