What choice will you make today?
I am writing today with my Certified Coaching Hat fully on!
Almost every executive I have spoken to recently is burned out and tired. Same for staff. Assume that someone on your team is feeling this way. They may become irritable more quickly, feel anxious and overwhelmed.
Research tells us that our brain is a powerful tool that can work for us or against us.
Keeping that in mind, give yourself some “mind space,” maybe by taking a quick walk or dancing to a favorite song. Remember you can choose how you respond to a situation.
Try saying: I can worry about something I have no control over OR I can CHOOSE to…
… See that staff resignation as an opportunity to realign staff duties or even get someone to the “right seat on the bus”
… Give back to the community in new ways
… Plant spinach seeds in the warmest section of my garden and hope they survive despite cold temperatures.
Pause. Breathe. Ask: What CHOICE will I make today?