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Mayes Wilson & Associates

Category: Organizational Development

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Creating a Culture of Gratitude Year-Round

Sara Wilson, CPCC | It’s November, when expressions of gratitude are so frequent they can be lost in the “noise” and become almost meaningless. Here are some things I’ve learned that can help you create a culture of gratitude year-round. Teams that work well together are found more frequently in organizations where appreciation is both […]

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Communication Series: Handling Difficult Conversations

Sara Wilson, CPCC |   Communication is at the heart of our relationships, woven into every interaction we have, whether in a group or a one-on-one conversation. When I am working with a person to build their leadership skills, develop a team, help them solve a problem, or facilitate collaborations, I am reminded of how […]

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The Impact of Not Addressing Underperformance

Sara Wilson, CPCC | I’ve had several conversations with clients whose employees or board members are underperforming. I’m continually struck by how often we “settle” for unsatisfactory performance. Then I realize, oh spitball, I’ve done the exact same thing! Do these justifications of poor performance sound familiar? They’ll do better next time They have a […]

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Making the Most of Your 990

Sara Wilson, CPCC |   What is your most public document? No, it’s not your annual report or program brochure. Form 990 is the document most likely to be accessed through GuideStar by reporters, donors, job seekers, and the public. Many organizations make the mistake of leaving the first part blank, but Part 1: Mission […]

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