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Mayes Wilson & Associates

You know that rut you’re in?

Sara Wilson, CPCC, ACC |

Are you in a rut? To break patterns and change habits, try doing what an otter would do!

What do otters have to do with it? I’ll tell you in a minute, but first, let’s define some terms.

Rut: a periodic and often annually recurring state of certain male animals (such as deer or elk) during which behavior associated with the urge to breed is displayed.

Oops, I need a different definition! Ah, here’s a better one: “A rut is a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change.”

Have you ever found yourself in a rut? You know, doing the same ol’ thing or the proverbial “hitting your head against the wall” over and over to solve a problem or come up with a new idea?

The status quo often becomes easy even if it is dull and unproductive. We’ve all been there. It can feel frustrating as we often don’t know how to break free and create new patterns.

THIS is where the otter comes into play. You can get stuck in a rut when you are stuck in the same perspective. If you are trying to change a habit, or do something a new way, or have a new attitude, you are probably trying to break out of a rut. Otter time!

To break patterns you need a new perspective

SOMETHING has to change. One thing that you can change is YOUR perspective. The otter, or some other item (animal, inanimate object, etc.) can be a source of a different perspective.

This summer I realized I was in a rut with my swimming, a hobby and challenge I actually love. I was growing tired and discontent with swimming with my Masters group. Swimming wasn’t “feeding” me like it had previously. I needed a new perspective. I used the OTTER as my rut breaker.

Why? Otters have a lot of silly, fun behaviors.

How? I asked myself: If I took an otter’s attitude about my swimming, what would that look like? What perspective would that bring? What attitude would I take to the pool?

To create new habits ask these questions

  1. If I took the perspective of a(n) ___ what would that look like?
  2. How would I approach this?
  3. What might I do differently?

It’s powerful. Try it. Need a bit of help? Reach out to me.

It’s amazing what working with a good coach and putting in the work can do. I’m a believer in coaching, because I’ve experienced it. Coaching and otters gave me a new perspective. By the way, I’m loving swimming and our Masters group starts our fall season in September.

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