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Ripple Effect | Blog

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4 great ways to involve board members in fundraising

Julie Whelan Capell | One of our most-requested board workshops here at MWA is on involving board members in fundraising. I always enjoy doing this workshop because I love hearing the sighs of relief when I say: “Not every board member needs to ask for gifts.” And that is the truth. Not everyone is cut […]

a woman looking into the distance, a lake in the background

What renews your spirit?

Sara Wilson, CPCC, ACC | Will you be renewing your spirit through travel in these final weeks of summer? The MWA team is following our own advice and taking vacations over the upcoming weeks. Travel has so many benefits. It gets us out of our comfort zones. It recharges our batteries. It helps us better […]

Inclusive hiring for the development team

Julie Whelan Capell | After reading Sara’s excellent three-part series on equitable hiring practices I realized there was more to say, specifically related to inclusive hiring for the development team. Anyone who’s been in fundraising for more than a minute or two knows that most fundraisers are white. In fact, in 2019, only about 13% […]

Have you ever “lost it” with a colleague?

Sara Wilson, CPCC, ACC | We all have them. Reactions that occur in a flash. Perhaps something your colleague says triggers emotions resulting in a real blow-up, maybe your partner says something and you immediately shut down or storm out of the house. These reactions are often the result of a past situation or experience […]

Creating a more inclusive and equitable hiring process (Part Three)

Sara Wilson, CPCC, ACC |  For this third and final installment in my blog series on creating a more inclusive and equitable hiring process, I want to explore unconscious bias. In part 1 of this series, I discussed designing an inclusive and equitable hiring process, including who to involve, questions to ask about your organization’s […]

DEI recruiting

Creating a more inclusive and equitable hiring process (Part Two)

Sara Wilson, CPCC, ACC | In this second installment in my blog series on creating a more inclusive and equitable hiring process, I examine the recruiting phase. Although I’m not an HR professional, I’m always learning and want to share what may be new ideas for some readers. I am confident our mutual desire is […]

Creating a more inclusive and equitable hiring process (Part One)

Sara Wilson, CPCC, ACC | In 2021 some nonprofits reported up to a 30% vacancy in positions.* Are you experiencing staff changes? If so, you will be designing your hiring process. I encourage you develop a transparent and inclusive process–from who is involved to including a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) lens to guide the process. […]

The best movie about teamwork right now isn’t Top Gun: Maverick

Sara Wilson, CPCC, ACC | Need an inspirational message about teamwork and leadership? Rather than reading a book about teamwork, go see that cinematic tale of a handsome flyboy leading a crew of youngsters on their toughest mission yet: Pixar’s Lightyear. Showing now. Seriously, the movie is all about teamwork with great animation along the […]

Don’t forget donors when doing succession planning

Julie Whelan Capell |  Here at MWA, we get a lot of questions about succession planning. It’s one of those things that’s on everyone’s “to do” list, but never seems to get done. We’ve written about the risks of not planning for board succession and posted a straightforward guide to succession planning.  One aspect that […]

Change as a resilience strategy for leaders and teams

Sara Wilson, CPCC, ACC | Normal. In the last couple of years there hasn’t been much normalcy. COVID forced us to change professionally and personally. My clients frequently say they are having trouble going back to “normal.” It’s not unusual for there to be comfort in the past. But please don’t put your leadership or […]

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